Monthly Networking & Special Events
Business Development & Mentorship
Workforce Development Programs
Industry Education & Product Training
Plumbing Apprentice & HVAC Training Discounts
Affiliate Member Discounts
CSLB & Labor Law Support
Legislative Support at State & National Levels
State & National Conventions & Seminars
Continuous Industry Information & Support
Full Active Member
Quartely Plan*
Early Bird 5% Discount*
* Payment plans are assessed a credit card processing fee. Early bird discount is applied to next year's dues when paid in full before the end of the current calendar year.
Membership Terms & Conditions
1. Full Active Contractor Membership is available to business owners holding an active C20 or C36 CSLB license working in the Plumbing-HeatingCooling Industry. Rates are pro-rated based on the month PHCC receives the first payment. New membership requires full year of payment - prorated months will be considered by the PHCC Administrator. The contractor Member must maintain affiliation with PHCC National, State, and Local Federations as described in By-Laws. Only Full Active Members can vote, hold office or propose amendments to By-Laws (i.e., paying full dues).
2. Quarterly payment plans are assessed a processing fee and require an ACH Transfer Authorization Form (included on this packet) to remain on file; your membership may terminate should your payment not go through or payment is not be received within 60 days of the due date; Dues are received on the 1 st of every month for that month unless otherwise agreed upon by PHCC administrator.
3. A portion of your dues pays for your PHCC national and state dues, as well as the PHCC of California Free Enterprise Fund to represent you in state and industry legislative initiatives.
4. PHCC Association of San Diego Board of Directors reviews all membership applications and reserves the right to decline membership based on a negative or inactive CSLB status;
5. Additional memberships are available for a) Retired Contractors, b) Educational Associates/Instructors, and c) Apprentices;
6. In advance of the PHCC Association of San Diego Board of Directors approving this membership application, the undersigned affirms:
a. I accept and will comply strictly with the laws and regulations stated in the By-Laws of the Association; b. I have read and agree to uphold the PHCC Code of Ethics and do what I can to fulfill the mission statement;
c. I agree to attend at least 50% of all local Association meetings as described in the By-Laws;
d. Should my membership terminate for any reason, I will immediately cease to display PHCC insignias, logos, or images in my company’s print or online material, or fleet vehicles and uniforms.
e. If I wish to deactivate my membership, I agree to submit a written notice of deactivation 30 days in advance of cancellation date.
Active Member or Renewal Member Rate: $2,698.00